How long a well will survive is a long-term investment that depends on a variety of conditions. A decent borehole drilled by Agile Boreholes in Kenya may last for generations if properly maintained. Additionally, the length of time before the borehole goes dry may be influenced by the quantity and sustainability of available underground water
The cost of drilling a borehole depends on the location and depth of the borehole. Kindly get in touch with us for a quotation
Borehole equipping.
Tank Installation
Borehole cleaning/ Flushing.
Hydrogeological Survey.
Pump testing.
The geologist will provide you a thorough report on the land’s geology after doing a thorough study of the area. Additionally, this report will include the precise location of the borehole and the projected water depth.
- Geological/HydrologicalSurveycarriedoutbyaregisteredgeologistinthedesignatedcountry.
- Water Resource Management Authority (WRMA)Authorization.
- Environmental impact assessmentreport
- NEMALicense
If required, we can assist in acquiring the above permits and licenses.
Once the geologist has surveyed the area, he/she will provide you with a detailed report on the geology of the parcel of land. This report will also indicate the estimated depth of the water and the exact location of the borehole.
A NEMA report consists of an environmental impact assessment report that details the impact of drilling a borehole on the environment. This is a mandatory requirement by law before drilling of the borehole (in Kenya only)
After drilling the borehole and doing test pumping, we will take a water sample to the government